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  • I’d like to join class as an adult, how do I do that?"
    You are welcome at any time. Kids/Adults class (beginner-intermediate) Monday & Thursday from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. Adults/Teens class (beginner-advance) Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. The advanced Randori class Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Are you already a judo player? If so, please just bring a valid USJF, USJA or USA Judo card and judogi. A uniform is required for judo practice, at least one white judogi will be required for judo. For the first few classes, just in case you find out judo is not what you had in mind, you may want to borrow a judogi from us at the club. For new members to participate in class one must have a judo card. That provides us with insurance.
  • I’d like to watch a class with my child before deciding if this is a good program for them, when can I do that?"
    The best way to find out about the judo program for kids is to stop by either Monday or Thursday classes between 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. All the available information is at the door. A uniform (gi) is required for judo practice. For the first few classes, just in case you find out judo is not what you had in mind, you may want to borrow a judogi from us at the club. Yes, your old BJJ keikogi is fine, uniforms from karate will have to be evaluated case by case as they may not have sufficient strength or dimensions for judo play.
  • How will I or my child be graded and earn belts?
    A word about belts and grading. The leadership of the club is acutely aware of the style of grading and promotion among other judo clubs and in other martial arts… we just don’t place the same emphasis on them. There is nothing wrong with them, but our program is not focused on belts and stripes. What we expect is dedication, desire and determination. This includes competition at judo tournaments as the primary determinant of grade below black belt. The more classes and the more tournaments the student visibly attends, the faster the student will be promoted. As a result, there is no testing and no charge for promotion below the grade of shodan.
  • Where can I buy a judogi?
    Our club sells uniforms at the door for $55 - $75.
  • How much does it cost to join?
    Membership guidelines · New members or old members renewing their annual national registration, need to sign up for the United States Judo Federation (USJF) for $70 per year (Only players competing at a national level in USA Judo events need register for an additional USA Judo membership). Membership registration is available online at · Monthly dues for the judo program are $35 per individual or $45 per family. We appreciate prompt payment at the beginning of each month. You can register and pay online. We also accept checks payable to San-Shi Judo Club or cash. · San-Shi Judo Club is a program of the Japanese American Cultural Center of Vista, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Japanese culture and values. As such, all members will enroll in the JACC once per year at a cost of $20 annually, at least one adult member per family. You can register and pay online. We also accept checks payable to JACC. Note: · Mr. Matsubara's strong opinion is that no one who cannot afford the monthly fees be turned away from the club. If our dues are a financial hardship, even for only a month or two, please talk to Mr. Matsubara or one of the senseis.


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